Ukrainian Queer Shorts

An important and timely collection that brings to the big screen stories of the LGBTQ community in Ukraine.
Two films that describe the day to day reality in the country during the war against Russia, a movie that focuses on a young transgender activist and a dramatic comedy about the wedding of a young Roma man facing a fateful decision.

Duration: 75 minutes.

The Holy Closet

Israeli documentary series that follows religious LGBT people through important milestones in their lives.

Transgenders International Mix

Transgender cinema from around the world: campy movie from Taiwan, lyrical poetry from Indonisia, Mexican hard realism, a night trip drama from the USA, a familial tragedy from Spain, transgender parenthood in Brazil and a short surprising comedy from Germany.
A rich and diverse collection that brings to the big screen a wide arc of characters and stories on the trans spectrum.

Duration: 90 minutes.

Queer Animation

Short queer animation films from all over the world. Each one done in a different style of animation, with a different cinematic approach. The films deal with a variety of subjects, such as gender, sexuality, sexual identity, history, love and of course, the modern world’s obsession with dating apps and selfies.
Get ready for a thrilling and original 80 minutes.

Lotus Sports Club

Filmed in Cambodia over the course of 5 years, “Lotus Sports Club”, is an inspiring coming-of-age story. In its center is Leak, a teenage trans man who plays football in the under-21s women’s team of Kampong Chhnang, and Pa Vann, the trans coach and father-figure to Leak and other LGBTQ+ players on the team. 61-year-old Pa Vann established the football team in 2009 to encourage solidarity among straight, lesbian and gender-diverse players. He also opened his home to the more vulnerable and often homeless teenagers, including Leak, thus providing these LGBTQ+ players a safe place to be themselves.
After living with Pa Vann for many years, Leak, driven by the pressure to make more money for his family and forced off the football team because of his age, takes the heart-breaking decision to move to Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh, leaving behind the one person he loves the most.

Mini DV

The full cinematic version of the wonderful documentary by Shauly Melamed, in a one-time screening at the festival in the presence of the film’s heroes.

In this coming-of-age story, four LGBTQ adults re-encounter the home video footage they shot of themselves as kids: Shauly explored his homosexuality; Tom faced his gender identity; Betty filmed her friends and lovers; Rumia discovered her roots in drag.

Special screening and panel: “The Pink Time, the story of the LGBTQ communities “

The Pink Time, the story of the Israel LGBTQ communities

קוקטייל חגיגי 19:30
תחילת האירוע בשעה 20:30

מנחה: גלינה פור דה ברה
הופעה חגיגית, נאומים, הקרנת הסרט ואחריו פאנל עם יוצרי הפרויקט וחלק מהמשתתפים.

הפרויקט שופך אור חדש ומסעיר על פינות חשוכות בעבר של הקהילה הלהט”בקית בישראל.
יוצרים: אודי ניר, שגיא בורנשטיין, עמית חכמוב, אוצר ומפיק: יאיר קדר, ייעוץ: פרופסור איריס רחמימוב, ד”ר עמליה זיו, רעות נגר, יאיר הוכנר.

בחסות פסטיבל הקולנוע הגאה ובתמיכת משרד החוץ הגרמני וקרן רבינוביץ.

Wonderfully Made ~ LGBTQ+R(eligion)

Yuval David and his partner Mark McDermott’s debut full length documentary describes the difficulties of many Catholic LGBTQ people in light of the official church’s stand on homosexuality. The film focuses on the Catholic church in particular, since it’s one of the largest religious organizations in the world and has very strong views against the LGBTQ community.
The film includes interviews with leading supporters of Catholic LGBTQ members, amongst them a pioneer lesbian nun, an openly gay priest, former USA ambassador to the Vatican and other leaders and influential activists.
At the same time, the film documents an art project that creates an unprecedented photographic iconography, presenting LGBTQ members from different ethnic backgrounds, sexual preferences and genders, all undergoing auditions to play Jesus Christ. The actors’ journey takes the audience on a voyage of search and change through the power of art.

Interviewees: fmr. Ambassador Miguel Díaz, Marianne Duddy-Burke, Sister Jeannine Gramick, Natalia Imperatori-Lee, Father James Martin, Father Bryan Massingale, Xorje Olivares, Cathy Renna, Jason Steidl, Stanley “J.R.” Zerkowski
Actors/Models: Glori Dei Filippone, Justin Flo, Omi Ford, Matthew Menendez, Tristan Shuler, Regan Teller, Kyle Glen Ullsperger, Maxwell Vice, Kamaria Monee Williams, S.J, Sister Jeannine Grammick.
Additional interviewees: Lindsay Adler, Brendan Cannon, Amy Gossels, Ross Murray

Q&A after the screenings with Director Yuval David, Producer Mark McDermott, and composer Ariel Blumenthal.

Party after the screening at – SCHNITT BREWING COMPANY – Haarbaa 12 St

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