My Gay Stand-Up Show

Daniel Franzese – Actor, Writer, Director, Comedian & Activist
Best known for his roles as Damian in Tina Fey’s “Mean Girls” and Eddie in the HBO series “Looking”.
Danny is the creator of several live comedy shows (including rock opera) and his one-man stand-up performances.

Introducing young and talented artists: Drag Queen Yosle and stand-up comedian Talia Bertfeld.

And – surprise show by Daniel Ryan Spaulding!

Yosle and Talia shows are in Hebrew, the others are in English.

Transgenders International Mix

Transgender cinema from around the world: campy movie from Taiwan, lyrical poetry from Indonisia, Mexican hard realism, a night trip drama from the USA, a familial tragedy from Spain, transgender parenthood in Brazil and a short surprising comedy from Germany.
A rich and diverse collection that brings to the big screen a wide arc of characters and stories on the trans spectrum.

Duration: 90 minutes.

Queer Docu Shorts

7 short films from around the world that bring different perspectives on LGBTQ history, activism then and now, and on queer immigration nowadays.

Duration: 105 minutes.

Mini DV

The full cinematic version of the wonderful documentary by Shauly Melamed, in a one-time screening at the festival in the presence of the film’s heroes.

In this coming-of-age story, four LGBTQ adults re-encounter the home video footage they shot of themselves as kids: Shauly explored his homosexuality; Tom faced his gender identity; Betty filmed her friends and lovers; Rumia discovered her roots in drag.


Imagine “Brokeback Mountain” meets “Call Me by Your Name” and you get “Elephant”, the wonderful debut film by director Kamil Krawczycki. The film was shot in the Polish rural countryside where the director grew up and is based on his own experiences.

22-years old Bartek runs a small horse farm in the Polish mountains. He was forced to step into the role as head of the family, when his father left and his mother completely fell apart. One day, their neighbor dies and his son Dawid returns to the village for the funeral, after a 15 years of absence. Bartek is completely taken by the carefree Dawid, and for the first time in his life he falls in love. Now Bartek has to decide whether he’s willing to choose freedom over his familial obligations.
This film shines a little ray of hope in the dark times that the LGBTQ community in Poland (and elsewhere) are undergoing right now.
Elephant” is the perfect film for the closure of this year It will leave you with a smile on your face and a warm feeling inside.

8 Years

Please be aware – the screening is NOT in Tel-Aviv Cinematheque.


Spanish dramatic comedy “8 Years” takes us to the breathtaking views of the Canary Islands and raises the question “How do you get over your true love? “.
Jose considers David to be the love of his life, but when David breaks up with him after eight years together, Jose is haunted by memories of their relationship. Those memories take him back to the place where the two met, and back to the past that wasn’t as ideal as he remembered.

Miguel Diosdado and Carlos Mestanza are wonderful as Jose and David, as well as guest appearances by the legendary Isabelle Torres (from the mini-series “Veneno”), in her last role before her death, and by the Netflix star Sergio Momo (“Elite”, “Welcome to Eden”, “The Neighbour”), who steals the show as a sexy mobster.

Viewing is 18+.

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