Into My Name

Four friends – Leonardo, Raffaele, Andrea and Nicolo take a look back on their childhood and youth. They share their experiences and memories, even when they failed to live up to society’s norms. Each of their gender biographies is different and yet there are similarities. This helps them understand one another better and feel less alone.
In front of the camera they talk about love, partnership, choosing their name, hormone treatment, surgery decisions and dealing with the bureaucracy of those long and complex processes. In a very binary world, and especially in a conservative country such as Italy, the decision to determine your own gender is a subversive act.
Into My Name” provides its protagonists with a safe space to describe their personal journey to their chosen selves. This film is a sensitive description of the hardships they’ve had to overcome in their way to fulfill the social, physical and legal change they yearn for.

Q&A with the director and producer after the screenings.

In association with the Italian Cultural Institute


28.10 screening – Opening speeches

In a youth shelter in Colombia, ten young women sit down in front of the camera and close
their eyes. They are instructed to picture Alis, an imaginary friend that came to the shelter, and to tell her life story. Like the other girls, Alis used to live in the streets of Bogota. This imaginary companion is the beginning of a very unique and extraordinary documentary project. Alis is used as a gentle and reflective entry point to the personal stories of the participants. Alis becomes a chilling mirror of the life stories of ten young women who talk to the camera about past traumas, surprising love stories and their ambitions for the future. “Alis” might be an imaginary friend, but she will take you on a moving journey into the world of young women who have been through so much at a too young age and now deserve to enjoy some of the freedom the shelter provides before embarking on a new journey as adults.
Directors Claire Weisskopff and Nicholas Van Hemlrick’s work is sensitive, gentle and compassionate, and gives a unique and direct glimpse into the stories of young women whom society doesn’t notice. For the first time they look straight into the camera and tell their story, as they try to break the vicious cycle they were born into.

Additional screening: Rosh Pina Cinematheque 29.10, 20:30

In association with the the Romanian Cultural Institute

Three Tidy Tigers Tied a Tie Tighter

A wonderful new film from director Gustavo Vingare (The Blue Flower of Novalis”) takes place in Sao Paulo in a-not-so-far dystopian future. The city is taken over by a virus that attacks the brain and the people’s ability to remember. An entire country has forgotten their colonial past and the cruel dictatorship that ruled the place. Three young queers are getting swept into a surreal adventure in the once noisy city which is now quiet due to the virus and raging capitalism. They talk abou their experiences with HIV, get make-up tips, visit an elderly client and eventually arrive at an antique shop run by a singer named Mirta.
Three Tidy Tigers” is a magical and clever creation about friendship and love on the outskirts of society, during a plague era.

Additional screening: Rosh Pina Cinematheque 27.10, 20:30


16 years old Manuel and Felipe live in a beach town in Argentina. They’ve known each other their whole lives and do everything together. They are best friends and formed a rock band together. Like most teenagers they spend most of their time thinking about and planning for sex. Felipe helps Manuel convert an old truck into a secret love nest where they can have some privacy with their girlfriends. Their debut concert is going to be at the end of the year ball and they are working hard towards it. Felipe is a very talented songwriter, whose lyrics mostly deal with unfulfilled desire. Felipe is hiding a secret, he’s struggling with his feelings and his desire for Manuel. A few days before the concert Felipe’s frustration and the turmoil inside his bubbles up to the surface and threatens to ruin his and Manuel’s friendship and the future of their band.
Writer and director Mariano Biasin captures a piece of lively teen spirit, full of passion and hurt of a young man who’s in love with his best friend that cannot return the love he craves.

Additional screening: Rosh Pina Cinematheque 5.11, 18:00